Witness History Unfold,
                   Through Their Eyes

World War II Survivors
Our Purpose
To share the stories of Holocaust survivors, for whom we are grateful that they willingly relayed their experiences through interviews.

To make them publicly available and accessible to all, so that the truth of WW II can never be forgotten.

To ensure the work done over many years by Names Not Numbers (www.namesnotnumbers.com) reaches a wider audience.

To pass on the wisdom of living Holocaust  survivors and veterans of World War II.

To join the 21st century effort to combat Anti-Semitism and all other forms of hatred and intolerance.
Learn More
Survivor as a childsurvivor photo
Stories of Survivors
School Event Films
Staring the survivors
survivor family photo
Real Stories, Real Witnesses
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Featured Survivors
Films by students
Look through the different school films featuring the survivors
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Featured Films
Adolph Schreiber Hebrew Academy
Starring these brave survivors
Ben Porat Yosef
Starring these brave survivors
Bnos Malka Academy
Starring these brave survivors
Names Not Numbers®